Sunday, November 30, 2008

Badvertisement Hall of Fame

So, every now and again I'll dredge up an old commercial or campaign that really, really sucked. The first inductee is probably a bit of a controversial pick, since there are some people that actually found it entertaining. Those people are dumb. Or drunk. The ad is the "Spongemonkey" campain from Quizno's about 5 or 6 years ago. What's a Spongemonkey, you ask? Well here, have a look:

I'm not quite sure which is worse: The lunatic who came up with the actual Spongemonkey idea or the Quizno's exec who thought it was a good idea to use them in a commercial. I can only imagine the pitch:

Former Quizno's Ad exec: So, you see, there are two rat-looking vermin with googly eyes and bad British dental work. They have really insanely annoying voices and will sing a song about loving Quizno's subs while hovering their germ-infested bodies over the sandwiches while they're being prepared. Whaddaya think?!

Other Former Exec: I like it! Vermin in restaurants is the next big thing.

Mmmm...appetizing. I haven't eaten at Quizno's in, oh, I dunno, 5 or 6 years.

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