Wednesday, December 03, 2008 says Americans are lazy and stupid?

Here's a great idea. Let's say you need money, and you happen to have some jewelry lying around. Instead of getting it appraised by a reputable jeweler, how about you send it to a random company who will pay you what is surely pennies on the dollar? Well, that's the basis for It is basically tailor-made for lazy Americans desperate for a quick buck.

And, oh by the way, the commercials don't make the customer base look any better. For instance:

Apparently, not only does she have a more affected New York Jewish accent than my mother, but she "never realized that her gold jewelry was worth so much money." Really? Precious metals are not just pretty and shiny, but valuable too?? Way to represent the Tribe, Bubbe.

And then, there's this classy broad:

She sent off her wedding ring from her first marriage, and got money the very next day. I wonder what she'll do for rings 2-7. She is probably now wishing that there was a new service she could take advantage of,

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